A reader asks: “If I elect to start receiving my Social Security benefit at 62, can I then apply for and switch to an ex spouse benefit at 66? My projected retirement benefit at FRA is $1700, his is $2700....
Alliance of Comprehensive Planners (ACP) member Joseph Alfonso, CFP®, ChFC, EA, founder and principal of Aegis Financial Advisory, will be a featured guest on “Your Money” on Tuesday, May 26, 2015, at 5:30 PM EDT. The show is broadcast on...
Tune in to Sirius XM Channel 111 on Tuesday, May 26 from 2:30PM PT to hear Joe Alfonso, CFP®, founder and principal of Aegis Financial Advisory, discuss Social Security with Professor Kent Smetters, host of “Your Money“. Joe and Kent...
Wednesday, March 24, 2015 | Joe Alfonso, GoLocalPDX Contributor There is a long-running debate regarding whether it is possible for an investor to outperform the broader stock market consistently over time. There are those who believe that there are investors...
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 | Joe Alfonso, GoLocalPDX Contributor The decision as to when to begin taking Social Security retirement benefits is critical and greatly impacts the ultimate size of the benefit received. If you wait until your full retirement...
Wednesday, March 04, 2015 | Joe Alfonso, GoLocalPDX Contributor Most of us are aware that Social Security is at its core a retirement program whose purpose is to replace a portion of our career earnings once we are no longer...
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 | Joe Alfonso, GoLocalPDX Contributor Here are some more reader questions on Social Security that I am sure many of you share. I hope you find my answers helpful. Q: If my husband works until he’s...
Wednesday, February 04, 2015 | Joe Alfonso, GoLocalPDX Contributor Social Security is a gender neutral system. Benefits are payable to any worker who qualifies as a result of their work history. In the case of married couples, either spouse can...
Wednesday, January 28, 2015 | Joe Alfonso, GoLocalPDX Contributor As if the Social Security system weren’t complicated enough, additional complications arise for certain retirees receiving government or public sector pensions. These rules, known as the WEP, for Windfall Elimination Provision,...
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 | Joe Alfonso, GoLocalPDX Contributor I often hold Social Security workshops in my community at which I explain how the system works and discuss various strategies for maximizing one’s benefits. Almost invariably I meet attendees, usually...